Formative Assessment- Let Your Students Rate Your Feedback to Them

Teacher Feedback Analyzed by the Students

Do we really give formative feedback to our students? I would suggest that the best people to answer that question is our students.

If you really want to know, you might give each student a Feedback card that has five columns – the date and each of the four point values. You will have rows for various dates. Row 1 = Day 1, Row 2 -Day 2, etc.

On the card they write their name. They give you a slash in the appropriate column at the end of each class:

1 point each time you ask them a question, ask them for a comment, listen in on their group, or look at their work.
3 points if you tell them their answer or task is correct or not.
8 points if you tell them why their answer or task is correct or why their answer or task is incorrect.
20 points if you give them clues, prompts, ask them for additional information, etc. that directly enables them to arrive at the answer, do the performance task well, etc. (They only give you 20 if they can do it well after your feedback).

If students have laptops or computers, then you can create a spreadsheet that they complete.

What’s your reaction to the student formative feedback form? What other techniques do you have to assess how well you do formative feedback? Once you know, what do you do?

1 Response to “Formative Assessment- Let Your Students Rate Your Feedback to Them”

  1. 1 lashawnda7cc7079 February 26, 2011 at 1:49 pm

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