Formative Assessment – Teacher or Student Focus?

As I have been rereading various publications on formative assessment, I’ve begun to notice a pattern. Some authors focus more on the teacher and instruction. They write about the teacher reflecting on what happens and about how the teacher should rethink the lesson. Other writers focus on the teachers’ feedback to students in this learning goal. These writers concentrate on the students; they concentrate on how teachers or other students will give the feedback so that students can improve.

Your interpretation of formative assessment will determine your focus in the class. I hope that you will focus on actions that lead directly to student improvement.

2 Responses to “Formative Assessment – Teacher or Student Focus?”

  1. 1 Camaal Moten May 2, 2008 at 11:46 am

    I’m interested in learning some more about Formative Assessment what publications would you suggest?

  2. 2 hgtuttle May 3, 2008 at 11:22 pm

    Funny you should ask. My book on it will be out in early Nov. Until then, I like some of the British because they tend to be very practical.
    Clarke, S. (2007) Formative Assessment in Action: weaving the elements together. London, UK: Hodder-Murray. (has an elementary focus but very well done).

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